The Perfect Age for Botox

One of the most common questions we get asked is: when should I start getting Botox? Am I too young/old? And how much should I get?


Here’s the best answer: it depends.


You’re never too young or old to get Botox, although if you’re under the age of eighteen, don’t have permission from a guardian, and have no medical reason, you’ll need to wait! With that being said, everyone is different. Some people have especially strong muscle tone, which means when they express (frown, smile, etc) they form deeper grooves than someone with weaker muscle expression. This means they may start noticing lines earlier, and they may need more Botox once treated. 


If you’re in your early-to-mid-twenties, “baby Botox” is a great way to get started. This is considered a “baby” treatment because we inject you with fewer units, and generally in few places. For example, we might inject you between the brows, but not around the eyes. Conversely, we might inject both around the eyes and in the forehead, but with only enough units to discourage excess movement, creating a very soft, natural look, i.e., a “baby” treatment!


If you’re not ready for Botox yet, start prioritizing your skincare. Begin by incorporating a good anti-aging product into your routine (like our DEJ eye cream or DEJ face cream!) while also using Botox alternatives. We love the Revision Skincare Revox-7, which is formulated with seven different peptides. These peptides help direct collagen to the areas where it’s applied, helping to fill in any lines. In addition, some of the peptides are what we call “neuromodulating”. This means it encourages the muscles to relax and decrease movement, similar to Botox. And psst: you can use both for max results! Revox-7 is also safe for mamas-to-be, so if you’ve had to stop your Botox treatments due to pregnancy, this is a great option. 


On the other end of the spectrum, some people may worry they’re too old for Botox, and it won’t work for them. Not at all! Botox is incredibly effective even once lines have formed. Regular Botox treatments will prevent further deepening of the existing lines and wrinkles, and combined with good skincare, your skin will naturally begin to smooth. If you have a truly deep line—say, in your smile lines around the mouth—filler is always an option as well. 


Here’s another truth: every aesthetic treatment is incredibly unique, just like you are. Everyone has different tone, muscle movement, skin type, sensitivity, and preferences. What may be “natural” for one person may not be enough for another, and what someone may consider “too much” is the exact look someone else wants. The best thing you can do is consult with a qualified, experienced practitioner who can discuss the kind of results you’re looking for and create a tailored treatment for you. Even if you’re not sure whether or not you’re ready for Botox, it can still be a good idea to receive a consultation to answer any questions you might have. 

So, here’s our final answer: practice good skincare, receive a consult from an experienced practitioner, consider “baby Botox” if you’re not ready for a full treatment, and don’t give up hope if lines have already formed!

The author of this blog, Layla Hanson, is a writer and project manager for Infinity Aesthetics, specializing in holistic media production. You can see her popping in and out of the office from time to time to snap photos for our Instagram and website. Feel free to say hi and offer to pose for a picture!